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237 news items

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  1. Heijnen at the G20: reuse key to preventing plastic soup

    Recycling alone is not enough to combat plastic pollution and plastic soup. Worldwide, we need to focus more strongly on reusing ...

    News item | 30-08-2022 | 19:00

  2. Extra Dutch support for Ukrainian war effort and reconstruction

    The Netherlands will provide additional support to Ukraine for the country’s war effort and reconstruction. The support package ...

    News item | 22-08-2022 | 19:30

  3. Ukraine Accountability Conference: a step towards justice

    Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, there have been shocking reports of gross violations of international ...

    News item | 14-07-2022 | 14:07

  4. What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the most important international criminal court that deals with the gravest, unpunished ...

    News item | 01-07-2022 | 16:24

  5. The Netherlands to dispatch forensic investigation team to Ukraine

    The Dutch government, in a decision by the Cabinet, has decided that the Netherlands will send a forensic investigation team to ...

    News item | 02-05-2022 | 08:06

  6. Government decides on education and healthcare for refugees from Ukraine

    Thanks to the tireless efforts of a large group of dedicated staff at municipalities and safety regions, accommodation has been ...

    News item | 21-04-2022 | 15:56

  7. The Invictus Games in The Hague capture hearts

    After a two-year delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the games can finally begin. From 16 to 22 April we will be honouring 500 ...

    News item | 15-04-2022 | 13:27

  8. Netherlands says more funding needed for efforts to combat impunity worldwide

    On Monday Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra organised a meeting of EU foreign ministers with Mr Karim Khan, ...

    News item | 11-04-2022 | 09:32

  9. What does an honorary consul do? Foreign Affairs in plain language

    Honorary consuls aren’t professional diplomats, but they play an essential part in the Netherlands’ international network. They ...

    News item | 22-03-2022 | 09:36

  10. Package of measures to cushion the impact of rising energy prices and inflation

    The government is introducing measures to cushion the impact of rising energy prices and persistent inflation on low- and ...

    News item | 21-03-2022 | 19:38