Foreign trade and development minister Reinette Klever: Dutch interests at the heart of development policy

From now on, Dutch interests will take precedence in our country’s development policy. Those interests concern trade, security and migration. The government will focus on programmes and diplomatic activities in areas where the Netherlands excels: water management, food security and health.

These principles form the core of the new development aid policy that the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Reinette Klever, sent to the House of Representatives on Thursday. The government has agreed it will impose structural spending cuts of € 2.4 billion on development aid from 2027. ‘All the programmes we fund must contribute directly to our own interests: promoting trade, enhancing security and reducing migration,’ Ms Klever said.

The minister believes that current Dutch policy is too fragmented to be sufficiently effective. She has therefore decided to apply a sharper focus and put Dutch interests first. ‘The goal is not merely to reduce development aid, but to make it better. We will make clear choices, doing only what we do best and working wherever possible with Dutch businesses. That will benefit the Netherlands and it will benefit recipient countries,’ the minister explained.

The government is linking aid and trade more explicitly, too. ‘We will give Dutch businesses more opportunity to win development contracts,’ Ms Klever said. ‘And we’ll help the countries concerned to develop into trading partners, which will be good for their economies and employment figures.’

The government will also use development aid as a way to boost security in various conflict regions surrounding Europe: West Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and North Africa. This should help avoid disruption to trade, combat the rise of terrorist or criminal organisations and prevent people applying for asylum in the Netherlands. ‘Food shortages, for example, are a cause of conflict,’ Ms Klever explained. ‘So we will deploy Dutch agricultural expertise to improve and increase food production.’

The government wants to tackle migration and is therefore investing in migrant return, as well as reception and protection of refugees in their country or region of origin. Ms Klever: ‘Giving people future prospects in those regions will enable them to build livelihoods, meaning they won’t have to make the journey to Europe.’ The government wants to make agreements with migration countries, aimed at combating migration and encouraging return.

Despite the major cutbacks, the government will continue providing humanitarian aid to people in crisis situations. Ms Klever aims to do this via local aid organisations, as they are able to respond swiftly and effectively in crises.

Under the new policy, funding for various programmes will be terminated, in areas such as gender equality, vocational and higher education, sport and culture. Funding for climate action, civil society and UN organisations will be reduced.