Image: Valerie Kuypers
Foto van een hand van de boer en een aardappelplant. Hij bekijkt de planten die op hybride wijze veredeld zijn.


The Dutch Government wants to capitalise on the opportunities offered by biotechnology, while keeping a close eye on the risks. The Government considers biotechnology a key high-tech area in its contribution to solving problems in the fields of health, food security, nature conservation, biodiversity and the environment.

In the field of health, biotechnology contributes to the prevention and medical treatment of diseases. For example, in the development of medicines, such as vaccines and gene therapies.

Biotechnology is also vitally important for breeding and propagation activities, for agriculture and the food industry, all of which are very valuable to the Dutch economy.

In addition, the use of modern biotechnology – including “novel techniques” - in breeding can play an important role in terms of global food security, sustainable agriculture and horticulture and the development of a biobased economy.

Ongoing research will be needed to make best use of all the applications we can now envisage. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy considers this to be of prime importance and therefore ensures that the necessary biotechnology facilities are available in the Netherlands.