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  1. Rede der niederländischen Umweltministerin Vivianne Heijnen bei der Unterzeichnung der Absichtserklärung zur Bahnverbindung Emmen–Rheine, 26. September 2022

    “Deutschland und die Niederlande können sich in der Grenzregion gegenseitig verstärken. Denken Sie etwa an den Arbeitsmarkt oder ...

    Speech | 27-09-2022

  2. National Risk Assessment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2022

    This National Risk Assessment (NRA) describes threats that could disrupt Dutch society.

    Report | 26-09-2022

  3. Invitation letters for repeat COVID-19 vaccination in different languages

    Example letters that contain information about a repeat vaccination against the coronavirus (COVID-19). The letter explains how ...

    Letter | 23-09-2022

  4. Joint Statement from Denmark, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Germany, and Ukraine on the High-Level Side Event: Cooperation for Accountability in Ukraine

    Joint Statement from Denmark, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Germany, and Ukraine on the High-Level Side Event: Cooperation for ...

    Diplomatic statement | 22-09-2022

  5. REAIM 2023: Call for proposals

    This document provides more information on the topics and selection criteria for submitting session proposals (Call for ...

    Leaflet | 20-09-2022

  6. Reaim 2023

    The government of the Netherlands is hosting a summit on Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain: REAIM 2023.

    Video | 20-09-2022

  7. Speech from the Throne 2022

    On 20 September 2022 (Prinsjesdag) the government announced its plans for the coming year in the Speech from the Throne. King ...

    Speech | 20-09-2022

  8. Speech by the Minister of Finance, Sigrid Kaag, at the Constituency Meeting in Sarajevo, 15 September 2022

    Speech | 15-09-2022

  9. Speech Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs at the EU HoMs, 12 September 2022

    Speech Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs at the EU HoMs, 12 September 2022

    Speech | 12-09-2022

  10. Annual Report International Human Rights Proceedings (2021)

    Report on the Netherlands’ involvement in international human rights proceedings in 2021.

    Report | 08-09-2022