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  1. Ostend Declaration on the North Sea as Europe's Green Power Plant

    Ostend Declaration of Energy Ministers on the North Sea as Europe's Green Power Plant, delivering cross-border projects, and ...

    Diplomatic statement | 24-04-2023

  2. Esbjerg Group Joint Declaration of Intent: 2025 Actions

    Esbjerg Group Joint Declaration of Intent: 2025 Actions for multiple connected offshore Renewable Energy Hubs. 

    Diplomatic statement | 24-04-2023

  3. Letter of Intent Belgium-Denmark on connections between Energy Islands in the North Sea

    Letter of Intent between the Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Minister of Climate, Energy and Utilities of ...

    Diplomatic statement | 24-04-2023

  4. Speech by Minister Hoekstra at the Sahel Envoy Conference

    Speech by Minister Wopke Hoekstra of Foreign Affairs at the Sahel Envoy Conference in The Hague, on 17 April 2023. The spoken ...

    Speech | 17-04-2023

  5. Speech by Minister Hoekstra at the EU Heads of Mission (HoMs) meeting

    Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra at the EU Heads of Mission meeting on 17 April 2023 in The Hague. The spoken ...

    Speech | 17-04-2023

  6. Government Procurement Digitalisation in the Netherlands - Annual Plan 2023

    This annual plan tells you how the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations is working on digitising the Government ...

    Annual plan | 17-04-2023

  7. Keynote speech by Mark Harbers, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Automotive Week Automotive Campus, Helmond

    ‘For cars, I believe the best times are yet to come. But to get there still requires serious efforts. To speed up innovation, we ...

    Speech | 17-04-2023

  8. Decree on rules extended producer responsibility for textile products

    English translation of the Dutch Decree containing rules for extended producer responsibility for textile products (EPR for ...

    Decree | 14-04-2023

  9. Joint declaration – Government Consultations Netherlands - France, 12 April 2023

    We, representatives of the Governments of the Netherlands and the French Republic, met on 12 April 2023 in Amsterdam at the ...

    Diplomatic statement | 12-04-2023

  10. Franco-Dutch Pact for innovation and sustainable growth

    On 12 April 2023 the Netherlands and France signed a Pact for innovation and sustainable growth. This pact will enable joint work ...

    Publication | 12-04-2023