
1,952 documents

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  1. Protocol Guide for Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts

    This Protocol Guide is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our efforts to be a transparent and good host to our ...

    Leaflet | 28-06-2023

  2. Information for host households of third country nationals from the Ukraine

    Many refugees from Ukraine are accommodated by a host household in the Netherlands. If your guest is a refugee with a temporary ...

    Leaflet | 27-06-2023

  3. Expiration of the Temporary Protection Directive for third country nationals from the Ukraine

     On 27 June 2023, the Ministry of Justice and Security informed third-country nationals by letter that the Temporary Protection ...

    Leaflet | 27-06-2023

  4. Letter on managing the influx of international students in higher education

    Letter of 21 April 2023 from the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to the House of Representatives on managing the ...

    Letter | 26-06-2023

  5. Speech by Minister Sigrid Kaag to mark the end of the academic year, College of Europe, Bruges

    Speech by minister Sigrid Kaag (Finance) to mark the end of the academic year, College of Europe, Bruges on June 23, 2023.

    Speech | 23-06-2023

  6. Memorandum of understanding between the governments of Morocco and the Netherlands on cooperation in the field of renewable energy

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for bilateral collaboration between Morocco and the Netherlands in the field of renewable ...

    Diplomatic statement | 21-06-2023

  7. Memorandum of understanding between the governments of South Africa and the Netherlands on cooperation in the field of hydrogen

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for bilateral collaboration between South Africa and the Netherlands in the field of green ...

    Diplomatic statement | 20-06-2023

  8. Joint Declaration after the Fifth Quadripartite meeting of 15 June 2023

    Joint Decleration by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, France, Sint Maarten and Saint Martin on the Fifth Quadripartite meeting.

    Diplomatic statement | 15-06-2023

  9. Speech by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Brightlands Smart Services Campus

    Speech by Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Brightlands Smart Services Campus, 12 June 2023.

    Speech | 12-06-2023

  10. Joint statement by Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on instituting proceedings at the International Court of Justice to hold Syria to account for torture

    Joint statement by Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on instituting proceedings at the International Court of Justice to ...

    Diplomatic statement | 12-06-2023