Speech by Minister Veldkamp at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Maintenance of International Peace and Security

Speech by Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Maintenance of International Peace and Security – Leadership for Peace: united by the UN Charter, in search of a secure future, on 25 September in New York (during the UNGA79 high-level week).

Madam President,

In the past year, global security has eroded and peace seems further away than ever: in the Middle East, Sudan, Ukraine and many other regions.

These conflicts and wars underscore the need for action. Including protecting, strengthening and reforming the UN – including the Security Council.

Let me begin with a commitment to uphold the UN Charter. Ignoring violations of the charter violates the foundations of our collective peace and security.

And in this context, we condemn Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine. The Netherlands supports Ukraine politically, militarily, financially and morally.

And yes, it is in accordance with international law for Ukraine to defend itself against the aggressor, also on the territory of the aggressor.

Madam President,

This morning Germany, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands announced to hold Afghanistan accountable for violating the rights of women and girls. Repression of women’s rights by the Taliban is a shame.

Madam President,

We are pursuing a mechanism to hold ISIS accountable for atrocities against Yezidi and other communities. And working with partners to take the initiative to establish an international tribunal to this end.

Madam President,

We must strengthen our collective efforts to alleviate suffering and restore peace.

In Sudan, for example, where almost 25 million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. We have pledged 80 million euros to help alleviate the immense human suffering there.

We support the extension of the fact-finding mission. But what is needed most is for the fighting to stop, negotiations to resume and obstacles to humanitarian assistance to be removed.

The Netherlands stands ready to strengthen the UN’s role in its global peace efforts. And to use our upcoming membership of the Peace Building Commission to ensure that people are at the centre of all efforts.

Because lasting peace is built with people, not just for them.

Madam President,

Nearly a year has passed since the shocking violence of October 7th. And the prospects are bleak – for the hostages still in captivity and for the people of Gaza whose suffering worsens every day.

We must do everything in our power to achieve a sustainable peace. We fully support those among you who are doing the heavy lifting to reach a ceasefire, and will continue to work with you towards this end.

We are also fully supporting efforts to lower the flames between Hezbollah, illicit terror organisation, and the State of Israel. Because the risk of further escalation and more civilian casualties remains high.

Madam President,

By protecting, strengthening and reforming the UN, we can pave the way to a more secure future. Please be assured that the Netherlands will stay engaged on these matters and stays ready to cooperate.

Thank you.