Intervention by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hanke Bruins Slot, at the humanitarian aid conference in Jordan

Intervention by Hanke Bruins Slot, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, at the Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza conference in Amman, Jordan on 11 June 2024.

The spoken word applies.

Thank you esteemed Chair,

We are grateful for his Majesty King Abdullah II, His Excellency President al-Sisi and His Excellency Secretary-General Guterres – for organising this crucial conference.

The Jordanian hospitality is impressive.

While the human suffering in Gaza is beyond our worst imagination, the need for urgent action remains crystal clear.

First – all sides need to respect international humanitarian law and implement the provisional measures of the International Court of Justice, which means inter alia that Israel must halt its operations in Rafah now.

Also, Israel and Hamas must agree on an immediate ceasefire deal as soon as possible. For the Gazan people who are in dire need of help and protection, and for the release of all remaining hostages.

Israel and all others involved must make sure that all border crossings are open for aid, including commercial flows. And that that aid reaches all those in need, wherever they are within the Gaza strip.​

The Netherlands has decided to make available another 13 million euro for humanitarian aid, through different organizations including UNRWA.

Also, I would like to underline that Security Council Resolution 2720 is crucial, and that the international community must keep supporting the efforts of Sigrid Kaag, the UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza.

It’s deeply saddening that the organisations capable of alleviating suffering in Gaza are being attacked, blocked and undermined.

We must ensure that all aid workers can move freely and do their work in safety.

Esteemed chair, 

We must think about the day after the war.

And how we will rebuild Gaza. With the Palestinian Authority back in charge.

The Netherlands is setting aside 20 million euros for early recovery and reconstruction efforts. 

Thinking about a brighter future also means working towards a viable Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel.

By working on reconciliation and fostering respect for each other’s rights, needs and aspirations.

Because that is the only way the Palestinians and Israelis can live together in peace.  

In conclusion, protecting civilians is both a moral imperative, a​nd a legal obligation.

A non-negotiable responsibility that all parties must uphold.

And therefore all parties should strive for an immediate ceasefire in line with the UN Security Council Resolution.

Thank you, Chair.