Q&A Soil Fertility Programme Tender
Questions and answers from 25 January 2023 until 15 March.
1. How can I apply for a grant?
The Grant Policy Framework and application form to apply for a grant can be found on this website (Subsidy Soil Fertility Programme | Publication | Government.nl). Please also refer to chapter 6 Application procedure, page 13 and further in the Grant Policy Framework.
2. Can the application form and guideline be shared by email and hard copy?
We do not send the application form or Grant Policy Framework by email or hardcopy to individual interested parties in order to be sure to provide everyone with the same information.
The application form and Grant Policy Framework can be found on this website Subsidy Soil Fertility Programme | Publication | Government.nl
3. Are universities eligible to apply for a grant?
Are local NGO’s eligible to apply for a grant?
Criterion D.1 specifies which organisations are eligible to apply for a grant. Please also refer to paragraph 3.2 on page 7 in the Grant Policy Framework which also explains which organisations are eligible to apply for a grant.
4. Are governments eligible to apply for a grant?
No, governments are not eligible to apply for a grant. Criterion D.1 specifies which organisations are eligible to apply for a grant. Please also refer to paragraph 3.2 on page 7 in the Grant Policy Framework which explains which organisations are eligible to apply for a grant.
5. Is a Dutch partner required to apply for the grant?
Criterion D.1 specifies which organisations are eligible to apply for a grant. Please also refer to paragraph 3.2 on page 7 in the Grant Policy Framework which also explains which organisations are eligible to apply for a grant. A Dutch partner is not required to apply for a grant.
6. Are the tender documents available in French?
No, the tender documents are available in Dutch and English only. Applications can only be submitted in English.
7. Up to what amount can an organisation request funds?
Criterion D.15 specifies which amount can be requested. Please also refer to paragraph 4 on page 9 in the Grant Policy Framework.
8. Is it possible to submit an application for multiple countries?
Criterion D.11 specifies the countries for which an application can be submitted. Please also refer to paragraph 2.2 on page 5 (choice of countries/geographical areas) in the Grant Policy Framework.
9. Can an institution hosted by another organization be eligible for this opportunity, hence providing the host agreement as evidence of its existence in the country?
According to criterion D.5 to be eligible the applicant (or in case of a consortium, at least one of the consortium partners) must be registered as an organisation in each of the countries where activities for which grant funding is sought will be carried out. This refers to the organisation concerned as such.
10. Is this call linked to the Dutch Climate Development Fund?
No, this Grant Programme is not linked to the Dutch Climate Development Fund.
11. Does the applicant have to use a Concept Note template?
There is no specific template for the Concept Note that has to be used. The Concept Note must include the points as stated in Appendix 1 – Introduction – Practical instructions concerning the application (page 3).
12. What level of detail is expected for the Theory of Change?
The Theory of Change should be part of the Concept Note that must be submitted as Annex to the application. The Concept Note (including the Theory of Change) should be no longer than 10 A4 pages. Please see Appendix 1 – Introduction – Practical instructions concerning the application (page 3), for more details.
13. Would it be possible to make implementation contracts with local public authorities?
Yes. (Local) public authorities cannot be (co-)applicant for this tender. However, it is possible to contract them for implementation.
14. Concerning the second stage, can the Full Proposal for West Africa be submitted in French?
The application for stage 1 (concerning threshold check, organisation/track record and concept note) including all necessary information to be provided for this stage must be submitted in English. For stage 2 concerning the Full Proposal English is the preferable language. If this is not possible, the full proposal may be submitted in French. Full proposals drawn up in other languages than English or French will not be accepted.
15. Ref. Criterion D.2: What is the motivation behind the expenditure of at least €20 million per year by the lead party/applicant?
With a grant of €100 million for 10 years, there will be an average expenditure of €10 million per year. To ensure that the applicant/lead party has sufficient experience and capacity to absorb this amount, criterion D.2. requires an annual expenditure of the lead party/applicant of at least €20mln per year in the last five years.
To ensure sufficient experience in soil fertility management, criterion D.3. requires an expenditure of at least €5mln per year for the last five year specifically on soil fertility activities in the countries for which the application is submitted, for the applicant or in case of a consortium, the whole consortium together.
16. Ref. Criterion D.11 Geographical focus: Is it possible to propose one or multiple coherent cross-border zones in the application?
The applicant is free to propose any/multiple cross-border zones, as long as it complies with the criteria related to the choice of countries.
17. Ref. Criterion Q1. Experience – soil fertility. The applicant/lead party demonstrates this by in any case describing up to 3 projects at scale aimed at sustainable soil fertility management.
In case of a consortium, should the applicant describe 3 projects in total, or 3 projects for each consortium partner?
To demonstrate relevant experience, the applicant should describe in total up to 3 projects.
18. Ref. Criterion D.3: In the 2017-2021 period, the applicant or, in the case of a consortium, all the consortium partners together must have spent an average of at least €5,000,000 per year specifically on soil fertility activities in the countries for which the application is submitted.
Does the €5,000,000 per year concern the sum across all of the targeted countries (i.e. 5 countries targeted with each €1,000,000 in soil fertility activities), or does the requirement of €5,000,000 per year apply for each of the targeted countries (i.e. 5 targeted countries with each €5,000,000 in soil fertility activities, so a total of €25,000,000)
Under threshold criterion D.3, the average of at least €5,000,000 per year must have been spent on soil fertility activities for all targeted countries combined.
19. Ref. Criterion D.3: In the 2017-2021 period, the applicant or, in the case of a consortium, all the consortium partners together must have spent an average of at least €5,000,000 per year specifically on soil fertility activities in the countries for which the application is submitted.
What is considered as ‘soil fertility activities’?
‘Soil fertility activities’ within the scope of this Grant Programme concern the undertaking and/or promotion of agronomic research, innovation, extension, practices and/or systems that directly result in measurable improvement of soil conditions for agricultural productivity. (see also the explanation in the Application Form)
20. Ref. Criterion D.10: The applicant/lead party has not previously submitted any applications under the Soil Fertility Grant Programme as applicant/lead party.
Which programs were/are currently granted under the Soil Fertility Grant Programme?
There have not been other calls for application under the Soil Fertility Grant Programme. Threshold criterion D.10 implies that an organisation cannot submit multiple applications as lead party/applicant. See also the Grant Policy Framework, paragraph 3.2 on page 7 (specifically points 4 and 5).
21. Can the application form and guideline be shared by email and hard copy?
We do not send the application form or Grant Policy Framework by email or hardcopy to individual interested parties in order to be sure to provide everyone with the same information.
The application form and Grant Policy Framework can be found on this website Subsidy Soil Fertility Programme | Publication | Government.nl
22. Are the tender documents available in French?
No, the tender documents are available in Dutch and English only. Applications can only be submitted in English. Please also refer to the answer to question 14.
23. Are UN organisation eligible to lead or be part of a consortium?
No, UN organisations (being intergovernmental organisations) are not eligible for a grant. Please refer to criterion D.1. See also the Grant Policy Framework, paragraph 3.2 on page 7.
24. Are intergovernmental organisations (other than UN-agencies) eligible to apply?
No, intergovernmental organisations are not eligible to apply for a grant under this programme. Please refer to criterion D.1.
25. Can one organisation submit two proposals, one for the Sahel/West Africa and one for East/Central Africa?
An organisation may qualify for a grant only once as lead party or independent applicant. Please refer to criterion D.10. An organisation can participate as co-applicant in multiple consortia. See also the Grant Policy Framework, paragraph 3.2 on page 7 (specifically points 4 and 5).
26. Is it possible to apply for both regions?
An organisation may qualify for a grant only once as lead party or independent applicant. Please refer to criterion D.10. An organisation can participate as co-applicant in multiple consortia. See also the Grant Policy Framework, paragraph 3.2 on page 7 (specifically points 4 and 5).
27. Which countries can be included in an application?
Criterion D.11 specifies the countries for which an application can be submitted. The applicant is free to choose how many and which countries to include in the application. Please also refer to paragraph 2.2 on page 5 (choice of countries/geographical areas) in the Grant Policy Framework.
28. Should all food security focus countries in a region be covered by an application?
The applicant is free to choose any country in the region for which grant funding is sought. At least half of the chosen countries must be a food security focus country as identified by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. See also the Grant Policy Framework, paragraph 2.2 on page 5 (Choice of countries/geographical areas) and criterion D.11.
29. Should an organisation have regional offices in the countries for which the application is submitted?
The applicant (or in case of a consortium, at least one of the consortium partners) must be registered as an organisation in each of the countries where activities for which grant funding is sought will be carried out; please refer to criterion D.5.
30. Is it possible to contract regional public entities for implementation?
Yes, it is possible to contract local/regional public entities for implementation.
31. Is it possible to support the costs of government staff to participate in activities (e.g. through paying for travel or per diems)?
Support of government staff to participate in activities is not excluded, provided it is necessary for successful implementation of activities.
32. Since there is no concept note template, is there a requirement to follow the sequencing of sections Q4 to Q9 in the concept note? Or is there flexibility for the applicant to develop a concept note that follows the sections Q4-Q9 in terms of content but with a much more fluid concept note outline?
The applicant is free to use any outline or format for the Concept Note as long as the Concept Note complies with the instructions as stated in Appendix 1 – Introduction – Practical instructions concerning the application (page 3).
33. Ref. Criterion Q1 & Q2. Experience of the applicant/consortium. The applicant/lead party demonstrates this by in any case describing up to 3 projects. Do the projects need to be regionally focused?
Projects described under criterion Q1 should be implemented in the region or countries where the activities for which grant funding is sought will be carried out. Projects described under criterion Q2 are not limited to specific countries or regions.
34. Ref. Criterion D.9. Does the agreement between consortium partners need to include budget information with respect to partners’ shares?
The partnership agreement must include in any case undertakings with regard to the subjects as stated under Criterion D.9 (Appendix 1, page 14).
35. Ref. Appendix 1, Criterion Q.9. What is expected with respect to Q.9.c. with the row Regional/Transnational?
In the row Regional/Transnational the intended reach can be substantiated that cannot be allocated to a specific country.
36. Can local implementing organisations that are heavily involved in the application, but are not participating as co-applicants, be included in Q.1-Q.3?
Q.1-Q.3 specifically entails the experience and networks of the applicant/consortium. Local implementing organisations can be mentioned in the Concept Note and/or under Q.3 as one of the organisations within the network of the applicant/consortium.
37. Can local implementing organisations, not being lead/co-applicant, be included in the governance model of the programme?
No, however (local) implementing organisation can be mentioned under Q.3 and/or in the Concept Note.
38. Where in the application form can we list the local/national/ regional implementing organisations that we want to work with?
The local/national/ regional implementing organisations that an applicant/consortium wants to work with can be substantiated under Q.3 and/or in the Concept Note submitted as an annex to the Application form.
39. Is it possible to already mention multiple subcontractors in the Concept Note?
The applicant is free to include any information in the Concept Note as long as the Concept Note complies with the instructions as stated in Appendix 1 – Introduction – Practical instructions concerning the application (page 3).
40. In case the lead partner (grant recipient) is using a CRM-agreement with MOFA, can the lead partner submit the total consolidated budget in their agreed CRM model budget?
For consolidated budgets the lead partner is obliged to use the model budget under this policy framework. Since this model originates from the present CRM-model budget, the difference between the two is negligible. The lead partner may use its (old) CRM model for its own individual budget which – like all partners’ individual budgets – is annexed to the consolidated budget.
41. Ref. Appendix 5 states: “The organization(s) having a CRM-agreement with MOFA use(s) the arrangements made for their own organization(s), including the percentage for indirect costs agreed upon.” (par 4, page 12). We understand that in case a CRM-agreement with MOFA would conflict with the model budget of the Soil Fertility Programme Grant, the CRM-agreement will prevail. Could you please confirm?
In case of conflicting model budgets, for budgets of individual organisations with CRM agreement the CRM-model will prevail. For all partners having no CRM-agreements as well as for the consolidated budget, the model budget of the Soil Fertility Programme Grant applies.
42. Is there an application template available for guidance?
There is no template for the application/Concept Note. For practical instructions concerning the application please refer to the Grant Policy Framework (paragraph 6, page 13) and Appendix 1 (Application Form; page 3).
43. Is it acceptable to use a smaller Calibri font in the diagram used to visualize the Theory of Change in the 10-page Concept Note?
Yes, for a visualisation of the Theory of Change it is acceptable to use a smaller font size.
44. Can relevant annexes to the Concept Note be submitted in French?
Please refer to the Grant Policy Framework (paragraph 6, page 14). Applications should be submitted in English. Annexes written in another language should be accompanied by an English translation.
45. Does the maximum of 10 pages for the Concept Note includes the cover page? And is there a requirement for line and paragraph spacing?
Please refer to the Grant Policy Framework (paragraph 6, page 13-14) and Appendix 1 (Application Form), page 3 (practical instructions). The maximum of 10 pages is for the content of the Concept Note, so excluding cover page. There is no specific requirement for line and paragraph spacing.
46. Could you please elaborate on the scoring of the applications (Concept Note versus the other requirements)?
All indicated criteria and requirements will be assessed and scored in a weighed manner. The scoring will be shared with applicants together with the decision on applications submitted under stage 1.
47. Ref. Criterion D.2. Is an organisation with an expenditure of less than €20 million per year eligible to apply for a grant?
In the 2017-2021 financial years, expenditure by the applicant/lead party must have been at least €20 million per year. In case of an consortium, this criterion only applies for the lead party.
48. Ref. Criterion D.2. "In the 2017-2021 financial years, expenditure by the applicant/lead party must have been at least €20 million per year", is the calculated average of the expenses of the 5 years that would make at least €20 million per year?
The expenditure of the applicant/lead party must have been at least €20 million for each year (2017-2021, or the five most recent completed financial years). The expenditure is not based on an average over the five years.
49. Ref. Criterion D.3. In the 2017-2021 period, the applicant or, in the case of a consortium, all the consortium partners together, must have spent an average of at least €5,000,000 per year specifically on soil fertility activities in the countries for which the application is submitted. Does this mean that all consortium partners together must have expenditure of at least 5,000,000 on average between 2017 and 2021 (therefore, at least 25 million over the 5 years), or must each year be at least 5,000,000 euro per consortium?
Under threshold criterion 3, the average amount spent must be at least €5,000,000 per year.
50. Ref. Criterion D.6 and D.7. How can applicants that want to submit an application to the ministry for the first time obtain the necessary document such as an entirely new ORIA?
Lead parties that neither have a valid ORIA nor a valid PARTOS ISO-9001:2015 (2018 version) certificate must submit a fully completed ORIA form. We have added this form as appendix to the webpage. This form includes the Integrity update.
Co-Applicants without a valid ORIA or a valid PARTOS ISO-9001:2015 (2018 version) certificate that are involved in submitting an application to the ministry for the very first time have to submit a fully completed Integrity Update Form. This form has also been added to the webpage.
Please also refer to Appendix 1 (Application form, page 4). The ORIA template and the Integrity Update Form have been added to the webpage (Appendix 6 and 7). The ORIA update form will be added soon.
51. Ref. Criterion D.8. Could you please elaborate on what is considered an individual management and/or a board member?
It concerns in any case staff that qualifies as ‘topfunctionaris’ in the sense of the Dutch Standards for Remunerations Act. Examples of individual management members are the CEO and CFO. Examples of board members are the chairperson and members of the Executive Board.
52. Ref. Criterion D.8.B. – part C (explanation/ justification as to why the level of remuneration can be considered reasonable). Would a considerable annual total income be considered a sufficient justification for the level of remuneration?
Please refer to Appendix 1, Criterion D.8, page 12. It is up to the applicant to provide a substantive justification as to why the level of remuneration can be considered in reasonable proportion to the seniority of their position and to the organisation’s geographical location, size and complexity. For the explanation to be provided for the justification of the size of the remuneration of each individual management and board member, the applicant can think of (but not limited to):
• Duties and responsibilities of the management/board member
• Number of employees of the organisation (or division)
• Annual total income in [insert the latest year]
• Explanation of complexity and strategic positioning of the organisation (e.g. role in international policy, area of activity, knowledge function)
• Remuneration level of comparable organisations in the country or region where the organisation is located.
• Other considerations, relevant in your opinion, about the level of remuneration in relation to the level of the position, the geographical location and the size and complexity of the organisation.
53. Ref. Criterion Q.9.c. Is the even distribution of intended results over the chosen countries based on the size of the country of an absolute distribution?
In the Concept Note and in the table provided for criterion Q.9.c. the applicant can explain how the intended results are distributed over the chosen countries and how this can be considered an even distribution.
54. Can the application form and guideline be shared by email and hard copy?
Please refer to the answer to question 2.
55. Are the tender documents available in French?
Please refer to the answers to question 6 and 14.
56. Are organisations in Zimbabwe eligible to apply for a grant while targeting implementation in Zimbabwe?
Please refer to criterion D.1 which specifies which organisations are eligible for a grant and to criterion D.11 which specifies the countries for which an application can be submitted. The applicant is free to choose how many and which countries to include in the application. Please also refer to paragraph 2.2 on page 5 (choice of countries/geographical areas) and paragraph 3.2 on page 7 (who is eligible for a grant) in the Grant Policy Framework.
57. Ref. Criterion D.9. (consortium partnership agreement) part c. What is meant with costs and risks? Do the consortium respective budget shares need to be disclosed in the partnership agreement?
Costs refer to the costs for the implementation of activities. Risks refer to the risks associated with implementation of the activities.
58. Ref. Appendix 2 (Indicative Amounts for Remuneration, to be used for threshold criterion D.8.B.) “Indicative amounts vary per country of establishment of the applicant.” Does this mean the country of establishment of the organisation is the one that is assessed and not the country station where a Managing Board member is based as an expatriate?
Depending on the statutory independence of a country office the remuneration of a management board member can be in relation to the country where the management board member is based (as an expatriate) or in relation to the country of establishment of the organisation. In case of doubt, a justification of the level of remuneration in relation to both can be submitted.
59. Ref. Criterion D.8.B. Do expat related allowances like schooling and housing fall within the remuneration?
All allowances that are part of the compensation of the manager or board member fall under remuneration and should be included in column VI under criterion D.8.B.
60. Ref. Criterion D.8.B. “Taxable fixed and variable expense allowances”. In some countries reimbursements such as education or housing are taxable but are considered not to be part of WNT. Should education and housing reimbursements be included even if they are taxable (also for non-Dutch)?
Criterion D.8.B is meant precisely for organisations not falling under the scope of the WNT. Under remuneration “taxable fixed and variable expense allowances” only taxable allowances should be included. For example, if, based on agreements with the (Dutch) tax authorities, a monthly housing allowance of EUR 2,000 is permitted and an employee receives EUR 5,000, the surplus of EUR 3,000 is taxable and must therefore be included under remuneration.
61. In countries other than the Netherlands, such as the US, staff might not have the welfare system as in the Netherlands. Costs, such as social premiums, which are not part of WNT, are included in the remuneration. What percentage on Dutch employer's social premiums should be decided from US remunerations for this purpose to make it at WNT comparable?
For managers and board members of organisations established in countries where the WNT is not applicable, the applicant must provide an overview of the remuneration that is as much as possible in line with the components mentioned in the table in the application form, and a substantive justification as to why the level of remuneration can be considered in reasonable in relation to the factors mentioned in criterion D.8.B.
62. Can the grant be used to fund financial instruments such as revolving funds or blended finance formulations, if there is a stepwise exit strategy that converts the funds back into programme activities in a convincing manner?
Funding of financial instruments is not excluded upfront. The applicant must clearly demonstrate in the theory of change and concept note how the funding of financial instruments will contribute to achieving the objectives of the Soil Fertility Programme. Please also refer to paragraph 2.2 on page 4-5 (Framework for the theory of change) and paragraph 2.3 on page 5-6 (Results and indicators) in the Grant Policy Framework.
63. Can sources cited in the concept note be provided as hyperlinks inserted directly into the text of the document, or should they be provided separately, in the text of in the footnotes?
Sources cited in the concept note can be provided in footnotes. However, the concept note must stand on itself as cited sources will not be taken into account for the assessment.
64. Will an organization whose remuneration exceeds the amounts listed in Appendix 2 quite substantially, but which provides sound benchmarks of comparable organisations in the country or region where the organisation is located, be accepted or not?
The assessment of criterion D.8.B. will not be based upfront on an absolute maximum remuneration. The assessment will be based on the justification provided as to why the level of remuneration can be considered in reasonable proportion to the seniority of their position and to the organisation’s geographical location, size and complexity. In general, the more the remuneration exceeds the remuneration referred to in appendix 2, the more thorough and substantive the justification must be as to why the level of remuneration can be considered in reasonable proportion to the factors mentioned in criterion D.8.B.
65. Is an organisation with more than 50% of its income provided by public development aid from national, regional and international financial institutions eligible for a grant?
Please refer to paragraph 3.2 on page 7 (Who is eligible for a grant) of the Grant Policy Framework. It is up to an applicant to show it meets all criteria including criterion D.1. and include the requested annexes.
Assessments of eligibility of organisations in concrete cases cannot be made upfront. This has to be assessed on the basis of the information submitted by an application with its application.
66. Could an excel budget template for the model budget be provided?
An excel budget template will be provided to those applicants who will be selected for the second stage of the tender process.
67. Is funding from other sources (e.g. other donor, organization’s own funds, match funding) a mandatory request for this grant?
No, (co-)funding from other sources is no requirement to be eligible for funding under this grant programme.
68. How often and when must an audit be performed (e.g. annually or one after each phase of the grant period)?
Details about obligations tied to the grant, including financial reporting, will be set out in the grant decision.
69. Can a Model Grant Agreement including relevant annexes be issued to the successful applicant?
If a grant will be awarded this will be done via a grant decision if necessary accompanied with annexes.