Joint Statement by the Netherlands and the State of Qatar in the occasion of the Official Visit of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to the Netherlands

On 24 June, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of the State of Qatar concluded a successful official visit to the Netherlands. The Amir’s visit at the invitation of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander marks a significant milestone in the longstanding and friendly relations between our two nations.

The visit also reflects the mutual commitment of the Netherlands and Qatar to further strengthening bilateral ties and enhancing cooperation in various fields of mutual interest, paving the way for closer collaboration at government and private sector level.

During the visit, His Highness met with His Majesty the King Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and engaged in a comprehensive exchange on a range of issues. Both parties emphasised the importance of dialogue and collaboration in addressing global challenges and fostering international peace and stability.

Key outcomes of the visit:

Bilateral relations: The two nations committed to strengthening the foundations of their bilateral relationship. This commitment is aimed at facilitating cooperation and engagement in new areas at government and private sector level. The exchange highlighted the importance of exploring new opportunities and creating an environment that is conducive to collaboration across various domains.

Regional developments: There was an in-depth exchange of views on the current situation in the region, the risk of regional escalation, and maritime security. Both countries reiterated the importance of achieving a permanent and sustainable cessation of hostilities, upholding international law and international humanitarian law regarding the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, the release of hostages, and the alleviation of the dire humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. Both countries articulated their positions and valuable insights were gained into the role and efforts of Qatar in promoting sustainable peace and stability in the region. The State of Qatar commended the stance of the Netherlands on its support for a two-state solution, with an independent Palestinian state, and for standing firm against the illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Appreciation was also expressed for the significant and commendable role that Qatar played in the evacuation of Dutch citizens and others from Afghanistan.

International cooperation: The two countries agreed to expand their collaboration in multilateral institutions to promote the international legal order and explored the potential for cooperation in mediating international disputes. This was supported by the signing of a Letter of Intent. The agreement paves the way for joint efforts in addressing global challenges through diplomatic and humanitarian means.

Economic cooperation: Opportunities for trade and investment in key sectors such as sustainable energy, climate, water, e-health, science, and technology were explored and leveraged. This effort was reinforced by a CEO round table, led by the Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation, Liesje Schreinemacher, and the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al Thani. The round table brought together business leaders to discuss potential partnerships. Qatar remains an important partner for the Netherlands and the EU in terms of energy supply, as emphasised by the recent LNG deal between QatarEnergy and Shell for the import of LNG through Rotterdam. The signing of two Memorandums of Understanding (MoU), one on economic and technical cooperation and one between the Dutch and Qatari Chambers of Commerce, further solidifies this commitment. These agreements are aimed at enhancing economic ties, promoting innovation, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

Defence cooperation: The visit promoted defence cooperation through the signing of an MoU on the exchange of information and experience in areas such as military planning procedures, joint exercises, and humanitarian aid. This agreement will strengthen the two nations’ defence partnership and enhances their ability to respond to regional and global security challenges collaboratively.

Human rights and social development: The Netherlands and Qatar reaffirmed their dedication to upholding human rights and promoting social development in their respective countries and internationally. The Netherlands highly values the ongoing cooperation with Qatar on human rights.

Both nations expressed their satisfaction with the outcomes of this visit and reiterated their determination to build on this momentum to achieve tangible results for the benefit of their peoples. Both nations look forward to continuing this positive trajectory, working together to achieve common goals and address global challenges.