Documents - Maarten van Ooijen

5 documents on Maarten van Ooijen

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  1. Monitoring the effects of the approach to tax avoidance

    The State Secretary for Tax Affairs and Tax Administration Van Rij presents the House of Representatives an annual monitoring ...

    Parliamentary document: Letter to the Parliament | 22-12-2023

  2. Speeches by the King and members of the government on the Netherlands’ role in the history of slavery

    The King and members of the government gave speeches on Slavery Remembrance Day (1 July 2023), which was also the start of ...

    Speech | 04-07-2023

  3. Speech by State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen (Health, Welfare and Sport) on Saba

    Speech | 19-12-2022

  4. Curriculum Vitae of Maarten van Ooijen (French)

    Publication | 10-01-2022

  5. Curriculum Vitae of Maarten van Ooijen (German)

    Publication | 10-01-2022